PURI Groundnut Oil

PURI Groundnut oil maintain its purity, oil can be heated to high temperatures, it can be used for a variety of purpose like deep frying and sautéing. Groundnut oil has a slightly nutty flavor and natural richness, adding depth to many cooked dishes.

Puri groundnut oil is also is good source of Vitamin E, natural antioxidant and contains no cholesterol.

Benefits of Puri Groundnut oil

A groundnut oil can energize your body and help to get rid of joint problems. This gives great relief to aching joints and muscles when used on a daily basis. Groundnut oil contains Vitamin E that is excellent for skin protection and better health.

Heart health

Groundnut oil is very high in calories of the fatty acid content. But, this oil is rich in mono unsaturated fatty acid (MUFA) that lower “bad Cholesterol” and increase “Good Cholesterol” in the blood a moderate quantity in your daily diet to maintain proper levels of cholesterol and prevent coronary artery disease and heart attacks by maintaining a healthy blood lipid profile.

Blood Flow

Groundnut oil contains linoleic acid that is a precursor of prostaglandins. Prostaglandin is required to carry out many important functions in the body such as the contraction and dilation of blood vessels and other muscles of the body.

High Blood pressure

Groundnut oil contains monounsaturated fats that are useful to lower high pressure. This indirectly helps to reduce the risk of heart diseases.


Take a few drops of groundnut oil and mix it with 2-3 drops of lime juice. This is an orthodox remedy to treat acne. Groundnut oil is commonly used for natural skin care and for dry skin. This also gives wondrous results in protecting your skin from blackheads.

Stomach problems

Groundnut oil helps to prevent many disorders of the stomach. This is an excellent remedy to cure disorders like constipation, digestive problems and diarrhea etc.

Strengthen body

Groundnut oil is very rich source of protein. It should be consumed in a moderate amount daily for building muscles and for body strengthening.


Groundnut oil is widely used in aromatherapy, since it had a very light and nutty aroma. This can be used for body massage for a very relaxing and rejuvenation experience.


Diabetic patients should use groundnut oil on a regular basis to improve their body’s insulin level. This oil helps to lower the blood glucose levels to normal and controls the blood sugar level.

Hair health

Groundnut oil reduces protein loss, thickens the hair, adds moisture to split ends and regenerates damaged hair. It also reduces flaking of the scalp.


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